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How do I set up my phone to get earthquake early warning alerts?

If you are in California, Oregon or Washington, you can receive earthquake early warning alerts. Early warning alerts are for an earthquake happening right now and are meant for you to take protective action.

To set up, all you need to do is add your Homebase, ie the address where you live. If the app didn't already prompt you to enter a Homebase, you may enter it yourself by going into the settings page of the app. That is all you need to do.

You cannot add multiple Homebases, but you may choose to turn on Location permissions so you can get alerted for example at your workplace too.

Remember to open the app once every couple of weeks to keep the app fresh and ready to receive alerts.

The early warning alerts are sent for all earthquakes of magnitude 4.5 or more in areas of light shaking or greater. These thresholds are set by government agencies and cannot be altered. The system is designed to rapidly detect an earthquake, estimate its magnitude and shaking intensity, and to send alerts. It is possible that the intial magnitude estimate is incorrect. It is possible that the light shaking is imperceptible to you.

Why did I not receive an alert for a recent earthquake near me?

We send alerts for earthquakes of magnitude 4.5 or more in areas of light shaking or greater. Check to see if the earthquake you experienced was large enough. You might have to wait several minutes before the MyShake app will show the quake (click the refresh button, ie the circle-arrow button, to refresh the map).

This alert threshold of M4.5 is set by scientists and government agencies. Smaller earthquakes are unlikely to create damaging shaking, hence we do not alert for smaller earthquakes.

If the earthquake was M4.5+, check to see if you got the alert. If not, check to see if your Homebase is set, or your location permissions is enabled.

If all that looks good, and you didn't receive an alert, we can debug it. Please go into the MyShake app -> Settings -> Debug Info and e-mail the debug information (see screenshots below). We will take a look.

Why is an earthquake not showing on the map?

The map displays earthquakes globally at magnitude 3.5 or higher by default. If you don't see the earthquake, check your map filters and adjust as needed.

If the earthquake is very recent, it may take several minutes for USGS to publish it and for it to appear on the map. Please refresh the map in a few minutes to see the earthquake.

I receive notifications of earthquakes far away, why am I not receiving notifications of nearby earthquakes?

By default, the system will notify you of earthquakes of magnitude 6.5 or greater anywhere in the world

These are normal notifications of an earthquake that has already happened, not early warning alerts.

You may visit the Settings->Custom Earthquake Notifications page to add/modify/enable/disable or alter the magnitude of these notifications.

You may also add up to three custom locations for which are you interested in receiving notifications.

How do I check my alert log?

All messages that the MyShake app receives are logged. Please see screenshots below to review whether you received the message. Earthquake Early Warning alerts will always show with the big DROP, COVER, HOLD ON! image

What is this earthquake detection feature and do I need it?

The earthquake detection feature of the app is the citizen science project (on Android phones only), where the accelerometer on your phone is monitored for earthquake like signals and fed into the Berkeley Seismology Lab for earthquake research. You may disable this citizen science feature of the app by going to the app settings, ie, Settings -> Battery saving mode -> ON

What is MyShake doing for the Great ShakeOut 2024 Drill? And how can I be prepared for it?

MyShake will send the following notifications to our users in California, Oregon and Washington.

  • A pre-drill notification on Thursday, October 10th at ~10:17am
  • A pre-drill notification on Wednesday, October 16th at ~10:17am
  • The Great ShakeOut TEST ALERT on Thursday, October 17th at ~10:17am

Your readiness to receive the ShakeOut drill is the same as your readiness to receive live earthquake alerts, ie, Set your Homebase

If you did not receive the first pre-drill notification, the easiest remedy is to delete your Homebase and to re-add it. This procedure will trigger our system to add you (in case you were missed the first time).

What is the difference between the TEST alert and a real/live alert?

This is how a test alert looks and plays:

The test will be sent as a normal notification (not as critical alert) and will therefore be suppressed if your phone is in silent or do-not-disturb setting.

The real/live alert will be sent as a critical alert and will punch through your do-not-disturb settings.

Can I opt out of the receiving the Great ShakeOut TEST alert?

Sorry you cannot opt out. However, the test alert is sent as a non-critical alert, so if you do not wish to hear it, please set your phone to silent.

Still have a question?

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